Kilostalk Weightlifting Club

If you are interested in developing your Olympic lifts to compete in the sport of Weightlifting, join our Kilostalk Weightlifting Club! We were the 2023 Training Centre of the Year!

This program runs 3 day per week and is meant to be combined with CrossFit class’ metcon. We focus on improving the Snatch and Clean & Jerk and include accessory work to supplement them while addressing imbalances. Each day takes roughly one hour plus warmup.

The program is released one week in advance on Beyond the Whiteboard (BTWB) app.

Classes offered are to assist in exercise selection (progressions and regressions) and to ensure volume, weights, etc. are appropriate for skill level and experience. Video submissions are also encouraged.

This program also require all athletes to continue improving on the five factors.


Monday & Wednesday - 11:00am & 5:00pm
Saturdays - 10:00am


To join the Kilostalk Weightlifting Club, members must be on an unlimited membership and be set up on a “Competitor add-on” membership: $30/m +gst

For those that do not wish to join this program but wish to improve their lifts, please stay tunes for special clinics that we put on throughout the year.


  • Videos submissions of lifts can be sent anytime, in addition to getting real-time feedback in classes! Either to Jason directly or through private group.

  • We have a private FB group that we use for program communications, asking questions, posting videos/feedback, and just to have fun!

For more details or questions please contact