NEW Run Club/Program

We know a lot of people are already itching to start their running season, so we have a new treadmill coming and we are starting a new RUN CLUB/PROGRAM! Our goal is help you prepare for whatever your season holds, and help you avoid injury.

This is a 10-week program that will help prepare you for a 5km-to-half Marathon on May 26 (depending on your previous experience). The program runs 4 day per week; 2 days coincide with CrossFit classes (you will adjust few things specific to running), 1 day for a recovery run, and 1 long run day (we will be doing these as a group on Sundays if you wish to join).

The program is released one week in advance on Beyond the Whiteboard (BTWB) app.

Sunday class/group run will be offered to assist you with in-person coaching and video submissions for gate analysis are also encouraged.


Sundays (group run) - 9:30am

Monday & Wednesdays - Join any CrossFit Class (with specific adjustments)

Thursdays - optional active recovery run (on own)


To join the run club/program, members must be on an unlimited membership and email to be set up.


  • Videos submissions for gate analysis can be sent anytime, in addition to getting real-time feedback from Jason at the gym or during group runs!

  • We also have a private FB group that we use for program communications, asking questions, posting videos/feedback, and just to have fun!

For more details or questions please contact