Rumble Practice WOD Thu Aug 23 - Additional Class @ 7:30am
Not for time:
20' Monkey Bar buy-in
5 Rounds:
1 Sled Push + Wheelbarrow @ 90/70
15 DB Push Presses @ 45/30 / HSPU
15 Plate-Hop-Burpees @ 25lbs
50/40 Calorie Bike cash-out
*if competing in the Rumble, perform Push Presses and Plate-Hop-Burpees in sync with a partner
CTV Morning Live will be at the 7:30am CrossFit Class - feel free to join us then whether you are competing or not. Here is what the schedule will be:
7:23am LIVE (1:15min) – Janella Hamilton will be doing a fitness challenge with an instructor while doing an intro to tell viewers where we are and what we are getting up to that morning.
For the other LIVE hits, we will be speaking with a couple reps from some of the teams who are registered to compete, to talk to us about their training, why they wanted to get involved, why this event is a great team building/community event etc. and do a challenge with Janella.
7:53am LIVE (2:30mins), 8:15am LIVE (2:30mins) & 8:35am LIVE (2:30mins)
Alternating EMOM focusing on skill not volume x 20 mins
Roll & Recover