CrossFit CL (150)

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NEW Schedule For May 1

As of Friday, May 1st we will be moving to the following online schedule:

  • 6:30am CrossFit - Monday, Wednesday, Friday

  • 10am Body Break - Monday to Friday

  • 12pm CrossFit - Monday to Friday

  • 5pm CrossFit - Monday to Friday

  • 7:30pm CrossFit - Monday to Thursday

  • 10am CrossFit - Saturday

Our newest offering “Body Break” will be a short class (approximately 15-20 minutes) and the program will vary daily. We will be stretching, doing short HIIT workouts, core and accessory work, gymnastics, weightlifting, or nutrition sessions. Members can drop-in and just watch as we will be bringing in guests to drop some serious knowledge bombs!

Please us MBO to sign up for all classes as you would normally, class sizes may be limited.