CrossFit CL (150)

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Fri Jan. 10 "Cakewalk"


1) Thrusters 4 x 6 @ technical load

2) For Time:
20-15-10-5 Wall Balls
300m Row
Rest 30 Seconds


1) Thrusters 3 x 12 Building

2) Cakewalk

For Time (18 Min Time Cap)
40-30-20 Wallballs (30/20)
500/450m Row


1) These 12 reps will be completed unbroken, so choose weight accordingly. Aim to complete your last set around 55-60% of your 1 RM thruster. Although we are building in weight, this is not a max set so your last reps should not be almost failure reps.

2) This is honestly not a cakewalk. The wall ball is heavier than normal, so choose a weight that you will complete roughly 10 reps at a time with. Row will be capped at 2:30, aiming to recover slightly to pick up the wall ball right away for your starting set.

Extra Credit

100 Strict Press with Empty Barbell (2 seconds up, fast down)
Rest 30 seconds every time you need to break