CrossFit CL (150)

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Sat Jan. 11 "Cruella De Vil"


1) Power Snatches: 4 x 6

2) 25 Min. Time Cap

6 Rounds:
5 Devils Press
250m Row
2 Wall Walks
Rest 1 Minute


1) Hang Power Snatches
Set 1: 15 Unbroken Hang Power Snatches
Set 2: 12 Unbroken Hang Power Snatches
Set 3: 9 Unbroken Hang Power Snatches

2) Cruella De Vil

For Time (25 Min. Time Cap)
30 Devils Press (50/35)
2000/1800m Row
100m Handstand Walk
*Partition However You Like


1) Each set will be completed unbroken without dropping the bar. Rest it at the hips if needed, but this should not be a failure set. Extend the hips each rep and squeeze the shoulders back in the catch.

2) You can partition however you like. Transition when you start feeling fatigued so that you can keep moving. You will use two dumbbells for the devils press, choosing weights that allow for 6 reps at a time. Switch out the handstand walk for bear crawl or wall walks.

Extra Credit

3 Sets:
18 T2B
60 Sec. D Ball Hold (150/100)