CrossFit CL (150)

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Wed Sept. 4 "To Do List"


2) 15 Min. AMRAP
10 Push Ups
5 Power Snatches
10 Cal Row
Rest 30 Sec.


1) Tempo Deadlift: 5 x 3 (5 Second Negative)

2) To Do List

On the Minute x 10:
12 Push Ups
Max Power Snatches (135/95)
- Rest 3 Minutes -
AMRAP 5: Max Cal Row


1) Aim to start loading weight a little bit heavier than your starting weight from 7/24/24. Take a full five second count from the top of the rep down to the floor. Shoulders must be behind the bar at the top of every rep. Focus on quality of the movement under tension.

2) This will be a very spicy, fast workout. Choose a push up number that takes about 30 seconds in 1-3 sets. This leaves 30 seconds to get in a set of touch and go reps or fast drop singles. The weight of the power snatch should not exceed 65% of your 1RM. The row will remain a consistent, moderate speed, with the aim to pick up the pace the last 2 minutes.

Extra Credit

Strict Weighted Dips: 3 x 8, then finish with a max unbroken set
*Complete all sets at the same weight