30 Air Squats + 100ft Carry + 30 DB Goblet Squats + 100ft Carry + 30 Med Ball Squat Passes + 100ft Carry
Teamwork breakdown rules
Each team must complete the workout, one partner working at a time, with the exception of both partners moving with an object for the carry. Partners can break up the work however they please for air and goblet squats, but they must alternate the medball squat passes (as they will be passing to their partner). Teams must make sure both members back from the carry before starting the next section.
Division DETAILS
Penta (Males): Single 50# DB, 20# Med Ball
Penta (Females): Single 35# DB, 14# Med Ball
Quad (Males): Single 50# DB, 20# Med Ball
Quad (Females): Single 35# DB, 14# Med Ball
Tri (Males): Single 50# DB, 20# Med Ball
Tri (Females): Single 35# DB, 14# Med Ball
Air Squats: For each rep, athletes must do a full depth squat (crease of hip below the top of the knee) and rep will be counted when standing with full extension of the hips and knees, under control.
Goblet Squats: For each rep, athletes must hold the DB and do a full depth squat (crease of hip below the top of the knee) and rep will be counted when standing with full extension of the hips and knees, under control.
Med ball passes: For each rep, athletes must hold the Med Ball and do a full depth squat (crease of hip below the top of the knee) and then pass to their partner about 10 ft away (opposite side of parking stall lines). Rep counts once other partner has hands on the ball. You can pass the ball however you want (even roll it) but if pass is not strong enough to reach athlete 2, athlete 1 must go retrieve the ball and repeat the squat and pass again (ie rep will not count).
Carry: Each partner will move with one of the objects - single Dumbbell or Medicine ball - about 100ft total. Both athletes feet must pass the start and end lines with items in hand. Both teammates must be back with their object before they start the next section.