CrossFit CL (150)

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CompTrain Programming by Ben Bergeron

For those that have been interested in knowing where the programming will be coming from, here is the link to the website that will be posting the workouts daily. The CompTrain Class program is going to be our foundation to improving general fitness, which I will be adding to our Strength and Skill Development Program. For more information about CompTrain Class, click here.

For those that are interested in using the Beyond The Whiteboard App to track their workouts, we are currently using 10 of our members in a pilot program. Based on their feedback, this App may be available for all members in the future. If this sounds like it interests you, bring it up in class and I can provide you with more details, or click the link here.

There will most certainly be some days that I miss uploading workouts, if that is the case, DO NOT PANIC! Just click the link above to see what workout you might try to avoid next :)