CrossFit CL (150)

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SF Schedule December 24, 2018 & Beyond

A few minor changes to the schedule going forward with most listed on the poster. Here are a few changes that required a more detailed explanation:

The 6pm time slot has undergone the greatest number of changes with removal of the CrossFit class, a change back to Advanced Foundations from CompTrain, and a reduction from 4x a week to 3x a week. We will still be following CompTrain programming during this time but with a greater intensity at the start of the week, followed by a recovery class on Thursdays. This is to allow for better utilization of the hour in developing complex skills and practicing them with a focus on smart volume and recovery.

CrossFit classes will have more complex barbell and gymnastics skills integrated into the warm-up and WOD, with progressions for all that are currently modifying movements such as the snatch, muscle-up, or handstands.

In addition to modifying our physical gym space to allow for a better learning and exercise environment, we are always receiving feedback on schedules, coaching, and programming.

Let’s all work towards a fitter, healthier 2019 and beyond!