CrossFit CL (150)

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September Schedule

In a few weeks we will be removing an early morning option and adding mid and late-day options for CrossFit and additional programs. Major changes are as follows:

  • Removing 7:00am CrossFit

  • 9:30am CrossFit is now 9:00am and 10:00am CrossFit

  • Adding 11:00am and 6:00pm CompTrain to Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday

    • Monday and Friday are Weightlifting days, Tuesday Gymnastics, Wednesday Mid-line

  • Adding 7:00pm CrossFit on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday

  • Adding an Open Weightlifting time slot on Sunday so those attending Monday and Friday’s CompTrain classes can come in to lift on their own. Those seeking coaching during this time may do so by appointment only (arranged through Coach Kade).

Changes will be effective Tuesday, September 1st with the exception of the following:

  • Monday, September 7th (Stat Holiday Hours)

  • Wednesday, September 2nd and 9th there will be no 7pm CrossFit (Kettlebell Classes)