CrossFit CL (150)

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Fri April 19 "Quarterfinals Workout 2"


15 Min AMRAP:

10 Wallballs
10 Burpee Box Jumps


“Quarterfinals Workout 2”

3 Rounds For Time (20 Min Cap):

50 Wallballs @ 20/14
50 Lateral Burpee Box Jump Overs @ 24/20


Break wallballs up into as small of sets as needed in order to minimize rest between sets. Goal should be a consistent pace for all three rounds. BBJO will fatigue the legs and shoulders so you will be compounding in fatigue as the workout progresses


• Start with your back to the medicine ball.

• At “Go,” turn around and complete 50 wall-ball shots.

• Then move to the box and complete 50 lateral burpee box jump-overs.

• Repeat this sequence for 2 more rounds.

• Your score will be the total time it takes to complete 3 rounds.