CrossFit CL (150)

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Fri Dec. 13 "Heavy Handed"


1) Front Squats: 3 x 5 @ technical load

2) 15 Min. AMRAP
30 Single Skips
9 Power Cleans
6 Front Squats
Rest 30 Seconds


1) Front Squats: 3 x 5 @ 78%

2) Heavy Handed

3 Rounds For Time (Time Cap 15 Min.)

150-100-50 Double Unders
12 Power Cleans (185/135)
9 Front Squats


1) Each of the three sets of 5 front squats will be completed at the same moderate to heavy weight. Focus on pushing the bar back onto your chest and moving quickly out of the bottom position while holding tension.

2) This workout is be completed at a challenging weight and pace. Choose a rep scheme for skipping that you can complete each set in 3/2/1 minute respectively. Power cleans can be completed as quick drop singles. Front Squats should aim to done in no more than 2 sets. If you squat clean the bar, you can count that as your first rep.

Extra Credit

10 Sets: 1:20 Bike/Row
Rest 40 Seconds B/n Sets