Mon Feb 19 "Fran" - Bring-A-Friend (9am Adult, 10am Family)
1) Back Squats: Build to technical double
2) Strict Pull-ups: Build to technical double
3) “Fran”
Thrusters @ 95/65
1) If you are new to squatting, practice air squats, goblet squats, or dumbbell front squats
2) If you are new to pull-ups, learn the mechanics with ring rows or banded pull-ups
3) If you have never done “Fran” before, choose from the following options in order to complete the workout in 8 minutes or less:
a) Reps: 21-15-9, 15-12-9, OR 12-9-6
b) Pull-ups: Unassisted Pull-ups, Banded Pull-ups, Jumping Pull-ups, OR Ring Rows
c) Thrusters: Weighted Barbell Thrusters, Empty Barbell, Dumbbell, or Push Presses