CrossFit CL (150)

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Mon Jun 5 "Tall Task"


1) Back Squats: Build to a technical set of 5

2) 2 Minute AMRAP, 2 Minute Rest, 5 Rounds:

Minute 1: AMRAP Wallballs
Minute 2: AMRAP Calorie Row

Workout of the day

1) Back Squats: Build to a heavy set of 5

2) “Tall Task”

3 Minute AMRAP, 1 Minute Rest, 5 Rounds:

30 Wallballs @ 20/14
Max Calorie Row


1) Looking to build to a heavy set of 5 for the day, expect to end between 80-90% of your 1RM if all is feeling well. Option to do deadlifts if you are unable to squat

2) Reduce reps of wallballs as needed to allow for some time on the rower each round. Find a maintainable pace and hope to get as many calories across the round as possible