CrossFit CL (150)

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Sat Nov. 16 "Toe to Toe"


2) 4 Rounds:
A) AMRAP 3: 1 Min. Knee Raises, 1 Min. Rowing, 1 Min. Rest
B) AMRAP 3: 1 Min. Dumbbell Alternating Snatches, 1 Min. Rowing, 1 Min. Rest


1) On the Minute x 5:
4 Power Clean and Jerk (70%)

2) Toe to Toe

4 Rounds:
A) AMRAP 3: 24 Toes to Bar + Max Cal Row
B) AMRAP 3: 24 Dumbbell Snatches (50/35) + Max Cal Row
*No Rest Between AMRAPS


1) Every minute for 5 rounds you will be doing 4 power clean and jerks at 70% of your 1RM. These do not need to be touch and go, they can be singles throughout.

2) This workout includes 4 rounds of each 3 minute AMRAP, alternating between A and B. Remember that there is no rest between AMRAPs so after each max cal row you will be going straight into the next movement. Keep toes to bar and snatches to roughly 1:30. You should have at least 1:00 on the rower per AMRAP so scale movements accordingly. Snatches will be alternating arms.

Extra Credit: Mobility

1:00 Active Spiderman
1:00 Front Rack Stretch
1:00 Banded Front Rack Stretch Per Arm
1:00 Box Child’s Pose