Fri Nov. 15 "Nacho Libre"


1) 3 x 5 Back Squat @ technical load

2) AMRAP 9 Min.
3 Power Cleans
4 Push Jerks
5 Front Squat
20 Single Skips


1) Back Squat: 3 x 5 @ 78%

2) Nacho Libre

AMRAP 9 Min.
5 Power Cleans (115/85)
7 Push Jerks
9 Front Squats
Every Break: 30 Double Unders


1) The Aim is to build to 78% and stay at this weight for 3 good sets of 5. Take roughly 3 sets at least to build up, then remain at the same weight.

2) This workout has a major incentive to hold onto the bar for bigger sets. Create a plan for yourself as to how many time you aim to break. Try to choose a weight that allows you to do one full round of the barbell complex without dropping.

Extra Credit

10 Sets of 12/10 Cal Bike Sprint (1 Minute Rest Between)

Jason TrinhComment