I started exercise at first because I knew I needed to do something to strengthen my muscles and improve my posture. Also, at the time, my cardio needed some help as well :P. I live in Winnipeg and started going to Val's garage once a week. It was in my neighbourhood, so was close and I enjoyed exercising with others.

Then when the restrictions started because of COVID, and gym’s were closed, I didn't exercise at all. I didn't feel as good. So when the opportunity came to do virtual classes, I was certainly ready for it.

When I first started I didn’t even have a much of a set-up, technology or equipment wise. When I logged into class I could listen to and watch the coach, but she could not see me or hear me. To my amazement, she made it work! I texted her when I had questions and luckily she had some idea of what I needed help with from doing in-person classes in her garage. I also had a single set of dumbbells, but she was able to get me a great workout with that and some being creative with some household items.

I started to really enjoy the virtual classes. So even when I could start going back to the gym I just kept with it. It is great not having to leave home. I have purchased some more dumbbells, as I have gotten stronger, but even with limited equipment and space the coaches help me work with what I have. Sure at times I wish I had a bigger space and more equipment but I still really enjoying myself.

I keep doing virtual classes because it is so simple to walk to my living room. I like exercising but know I need the guidance. The coaches are very informative and helpful.

I am not looking to build big muscles. I just want to be able to keep moving as I age and to have a good quality of life (as as I remember Val saying - continue to be able to get off the toilet :P). Exercising right from home has helped me feel better and get through these trying times. I see myself continuing with it for a very long time!

Rosalie lives in Winnipeg (a couple blocks from Coach Val) with her husband, daughter and grandson. She still works part-time and is an active member of the community, always willing to help out her fellow neighbours.

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