Move Well, Live Well: Why it Matters to Your Health & Happiness

We are embarking on the third installment of our journey through the five most impactful factors to health and happiness. So far, we've delved into the realms of nutrition and sleep, uncovering the vital roles they play in our overall well-being. This month, we're stepping into the core of what we do at CFCL - movement.

Move. It's a simple word, but it carries profound significance in our quest for optimal health and happiness. Movement is not just about hitting a workout as hard or as often as possible; it's a way of life, a fundamental aspect of human existence. At its core, movement encompasses everything from the simplest gestures to the most vigorous activities, shaping not only our physical bodies but also our mental and emotional states.

At CrossFit CL, we define movement as "constantly varied, functional movements, performed at high and low intensities." Let's unpack what this means and why it's crucial for our well-being.

Firstly, "constantly varied." Our bodies thrive on diversity. Just as a varied diet nourishes us with essential nutrients, a diverse range of movements keeps our muscles engaged, our minds stimulated, and improves all ten elements of our fitness, defined by CrossFit as:

“They are cardiovascular/respiratory endurance, stamina, strength, flexibility, speed, power, coordination, agility, balance, and accuracy. You are as fit as you are competent in each of these 10 skills, and a regimen develops fitness to the extent that it improves each of these 10 skills”.

Embracing variety in our workouts, choosing to be physically active outside of structured exercise, learning and playing new sports and recreational activities; they not only prevent boredom but also challenge our bodies in new ways, promoting growth and adaptation.

Next, "functional movements." These are the movements that mimic real-life activities and serve a practical purpose beyond the gym walls. Think squatting, lifting, pushing, pulling—the movements that enable us to navigate the physical demands of everyday life with ease and grace. By prioritizing functional movements in our workouts, we not only build strength and mobility but also enhance our ability to perform daily tasks efficiently and with reduced risk of injury. It also helps us age gracefully and maintain our independence longer.

Now, "performed at high and low intensities." Balance is key. While high-intensity workouts push our limits and elevate our cardiovascular fitness, low-intensity activities such as walking, stretching or simply dialing things back in your work out on any given day, provide the essential foundation for recovery and restoration. By incorporating both ends of the intensity spectrum into our exercise regimen, we strike a harmonious balance that promotes sustainable progress and prevents burnout.

But movement is not just about the physical benefits—it's also a powerful tool for cultivating mental and emotional well-being. Regular exercise has been shown to boost mood, reduce stress, and improve cognitive function. Whether it's the rush of endorphins during a challenging workout or the meditative calmness of a mindful movement practice, movement offers a sanctuary for both body and mind in our fast-paced world.

So, how can we harness the power of movement to enhance our health and happiness?

Embrace variety. CrossFit explores different forms of movement every week, from strength training and cardio to gymnastics work and more. It is also fun (in a weird twisted way) and the community is so supportive - keeping us coming back for more.

Focus on your quality of movement above all. Sometimes it is easy to get roped into trying to go up against the person beside you. Of course friendly competition is part of what makes up CrossFit BUT it should never come at the cost of your movement quality. That is why at CFCL we spend so much time on technique and mechanics of movements and uphold all our members to their highest standard. Many of the limitations in our mobility can be improved by performing every rep with intent and the better you move, the greater the results.

Prioritize consistency over intensity. Remember, it's not about how hard you go in a single workout, but rather about showing up consistently over time. Even small, consistent efforts can lead to significant results in the long run. This can be one of the hardest ones for people, but we promise just showing up will yield more results than hitting it hard every so often. In ten workouts, 10-20% should be focused on practicing movements and recovery, 70-80% as training days where you are leaving a bit in the tank or are able to do negative splits, and 10% can be a competing day where you’re trying to set a personal best.

Listen to your body. Pay attention to how different movements make you feel and adjust accordingly. Rest when needed, and don't be afraid to modify exercises to suit your individual needs and abilities. Our coaches are there to help you navigate this so you can keep moving no matter what is going on. Do your best to realize when your ego is putting you at risk and trust that coaches have your best interest at heart. We aim for a low trajectory to a distant horizon so we can continue to build fitness for the long haul.

And most importantly, approach movement with a sense of curiosity and gratitude. Celebrate what your body can do, rather than focusing on what it can't. Every step, every rep, every stretch is a testament to your strength and resilience. Movement is not just a means to an end—it's a journey of self-discovery, empowerment, and joy. CFCL is here to support you in that journey. <3

Jason TrinhComment