WOD Thu Dec 28


“Loose Cannon”

3 Rounds:
3:00 Calorie Row
2:00 Calorie Bike / Burpees
1:00 Sit-Ups
Rest 2:00


Clean and Jerk
On the Minute x 12:
Odd Minutes – 5 Bar Muscle-Ups
Even Minutes – 1 Power Clean + 3 Front Squats + 1 Split Jerk
scale movements and loads so they are maintainable but challenging

Row Conditioning
On the Minute x 12 (3 Rounds)
Minute 1 – 20/15 Calorie Row
Minute 2 – 17/13 Calorie Row
Minute 3 – 14/11 Calorie Row
Minute 4 – Rest

Jason TrinhComment