CrossFit CL (150)

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WOD Wed Nov 28



2 Min AMRAP, 2 Min Rest x 8 Rounds of:

8 DB Front Squats @ 45/30 / DB Deadlifts
8 DB Box Step-ups / Step-ups
8 Box Jumps / Air Squats

Carry-on where you left off, choose weights that allow unbroken sets.


Max Free HS Hold x 3 / Assisted off wall

Max unbroken DUs x 3 / Max DUs in 5 mins
*can start over if under 15% of previous max, total cap 5 mins

Alternating On the Minute x 16 (4 Rounds)
Minute 1: 50′ Front Rack Kettlebell Walking Lunge (53’s/35’s)
Minute 2: 9 Deadlifts (275/185) + 25′ Handstand Walk
Minute 3: 60 Double Unders
Minute 4: Rest