WOD Tue Dec 18
3 Giant Sets:
12 Double-Russian KBS @ 24/16
24 Good mornings @ 45/35
Max Effort L-Sit / Bent-knee raise on box or hanging
Rest 2 Minutes Between
"Crash Course"
27/18 Calorie Assault Bike
21 Strict Abmat Sit-ups
15 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
9 Sumo-stance DB Dumbbell Cleans @ 50/35
Gymnastic Conditioning
2 Rounds:
40% of Max Ring Muscle-ups + 100 Double Unders
30% of Max Ring Ring Muscle-ups + 100 Double Unders
20% of Max Ring Ring Muscle-ups
Rest 3 Minutes Between Rounds
Anaerobic Threshold Conditioning
3 Rounds:
In a 2:00 Window - 21 Calorie Row
In a 1:30 Window - 15 Calorie Row
In a 1:00 Window - 9 Calorie Row
Rest 1 Minute Between Rounds