Boxing Day WOD - 10am & 12pm Classes Only


25 Deadlifts @ 75/115
25 Hang Power Cleans @ 75/115
25 Front Squats @ 75/115
25 Thrusters @ 75/115
25 Power Snatches @ 75/115
25 Overhead Squats @ 75/115
25 Pull-ups
25 Toes-To-Bar
25 Handstand Push-ups
25 Wallball Shots @ 14/20
25 Box Jumps @ 20/24
25 Burpees

Start at either deadlifts or pull-ups, share equipment as needed.

Did you know that one of StrongFit’s founders, Valarie Adamson, still works behind the scenes to keep our little gym running? Although she lives in Winnipeg these days, she’s always remembered on her birthday - December 25th. Today, we do our annual tribute to her, as a reminder that we would not all be enjoying StrongFit’s community without her contributions! Happy birthday Valarie!

Guess who’s coming to visit today??

Guess who’s coming to visit today??

Jason TrinhComment