WOD Thu Oct 31



5 Minute AMRAP:
10 Thrusters @ 65/95
10 Pull-ups
5 Minute Rest

5 Minute AMRAP:
10 Sit-ups
20 DUs
5 Minute Rest

5 Minute AMRAP:
Wallballs @ 14/20


Gymnastics skill work or Recovery

7am Class

Core Circuit: rest 30 seconds after each exercise. Repeat twice.

  • 10x/side single leg crunch w/ plate circle around knee

  • 10x/side knee to shoulder + knee to opposite armpit

  • 15 x knees bent at 90 degrees, crunch to fingers touching behind hamstrings

  • 12x plank jump to parallel squat stance

  • 12x/side single leg crunch with ankle crossed on knee

Endurance Circuit: 3 mins on, 1:30 off. Four times.

  • 10 cal bike

  • 10 burpees

  • 100 skips or 50 double unders

Jason TrinhComment