WOD Tue Nov 5
On the Minute x 10:
Minutes 1-5 - 1 Pausing OHS + 1 OHS
Minutes 6-10 - 1 OHS
Set #1 - 50% of estimated 1RM OHS
Set #2 - 52%
Set #3 - 54%
Steadily climb from here, building to a *moderate* but not a heavy for the day. Positioning over anything else.
“High Noon”
5 Rounds, resting 1:00 between:
15/12 Calorie Row
9 Overhead Squats @ 95/65
3 Bar Muscle-Ups / 6 Strict CTB Pull-ups
Bike/Row Conditioning
Not for time:
4 Rounds:
30 Calorie Bike, Light
15 Calorie Bike, Hard
Overhead mobility work (ankles, thoracic spine, shoulders, hips)
7am E-Fit Class