WOD Tue Sep 24


“Pineapple Express A” (On the 0:00)

For Time (12 Minute Cap):
40/28 Calorie Bike
50 Strict Handstand Push-ups / Strict DB Presses @ 45/30 / Push-ups

“Pineapple Express B” (On the 15:00)

For Time (12 Minute Cap):
35 Toes-To-Bar / Strict Knee-Raise
100' Handstand Walk / 50 Shoulder Taps
25 Toes-To-Bar / Strict Knee-Raise
75' Handstand Walk / 40 Shoulder Taps
15 Toes-To-Bar / Strict Knee-Raise
50' Handstand Walk / 30 Shoulder Taps

“Pineapple Express C” (On the 35:00)

3 Rounds For Time:
400m Run / 500m Row
21 Lateral Barbell Burpees


Behind-The-Neck Snatch Grip Jerk + Overhead Squat

-Build to failure, reduce weight, do two sets

Jason TrinhComment