WOD Fri Oct 2

Handstand Progressions

Alternating Every Min x 10 (5 Rounds Each):
45s Row at recovery pace
45s of HS Walk skill work (Plank, Shoulder Taps, Wall Walk, Inverted Shoulder Taps, HS Hold)

Strict Gymnastics

For Time:
8 Unbroken Sets of 35% of Max Strict HSPU or Push-ups (Week 3 of 3)


“Knock on Wood”

3 Rounds:
30 Power Snatches @ 75/55
30 Box Jump Overs @ 24/20
30 Chest-to-bar Pull-ups / Jumping CTB Pull-ups
30/24 Calorie Row

Time Cap 20:00


Power Snatch Waves:

12 Sets of 1 Rep, resting as needed between sets:
79-82-85, 82-85-88, 85-88-91, 88-88-88% of 1RM

Jason TrinhComment