WOD Tue Oct 27
“Finish Line”
On the 0:00…
For Time:
Power Cleans @ 135/95
Lateral Bar-Hop Burpees
Directly into 1000m Row / 2400m Echo / 2000m Erg Bike
On the 15:00…
4 Rounds:
250m Row / 600m Echo / 500m Erg Bike @ Moderate Pace
250m Row / 600m Echo / 500m Erg Bike @ Hard Pace
250m Row / 600m Echo / 500m Erg Bike @ Moderate Pace
250m Row / 600m Echo / 500m Erg Bike @ Sprint Pace
3 Min Rest between rounds
Power Clean Technique
5 Sets:
2 Muscle Cleans
1 Pausing High Hang Power Clean
1 Pausing Hang Power Clean
1 Pausing Low-Hang Power Clean
All Pauses are for 1s in catch, start light and build to technical loads