WOD Tue Feb 11

Skill Warm-up

5 Rounds:
2:30 Machine of Choice
Choice From One of the Below
Option 1:
1 Strict Ring Muscle-up
3 Kipping Ring Muscle-ups
5 Strict Ring Dips

Option 2:
40-50% Max Ring Muscle-ups

Option 3:
4 Pull-ups
3 Toes to Bar
2 Chest to Bar Pull-up
1 Bar Muscle-up


“Swole Cycle”

Tabata Intervals of:

Strict Pull-ups
Bike Calories
Strict Handstand Push-ups / Push-ups
Bike Calories

*Compare to Aug 13, 2019


CanWest Online Qualifier #2
For Time:

60 Wallballs, 20/14lb to 10/9ft
60/45 Calories Row
30 Devils Press 50/35lbs
60/45 Calorie Row
60 Wallballs

20 Minute Cap

Jason TrinhComment