The Reopen Plan & Future Changes


We’re almost there!

Re-Opening StrongFit YXE

The Saskatchewan Government recently announced that we will potentially be moving to Phase 3 of the Re-Open Saskatchewan Plan on June 8th. If all goes according to plan, you can expect to start attending CrossFit classes at our gym located at 1-1901 1st Avenue North.

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Your Safety Is Our Top Priority

The arrangement of our facility and the protocols we have established are to keep you and the people you are in contact with safe from the transmission of COVID-19. This means maintaining a safe physical distance, minimizing surfaces touched and using touch-less sanitizing equipment. At the end of each class we will deep clean with hospital-grade cleaning equipment and sanitizer.

CrossFit 6’ & Under

CrossFit 6’ & Under

Gym Configuration 1A

Gym Configuration 1A

Pre-CrossFit Affiliation

Pre-CrossFit Affiliation



Thank You For Your Support!

I can not thank everyone enough for all of the support not only through COVID-19 but for the last four years. We started our vision in a 20' x 20' garage and without your continued support we would not be able to offer the services that keep our small community healthy and thriving. It is our ongoing mission to provide our supporters with the most valuable membership around and we are happy to announce a permanent freeze on current rates for our loyal members. Any past members that sign up before the move will have our existing rates locked in for as long as the monthly plan is renewed. For all new members you can enjoy our current rates until we relocate in the fall.

Please note that we will be moving exclusively to pre-authorized debit for all Membership Plans going forward. We understand the convenience of recurring credit card payments but due to increasing costs, regular changes in expiration dates, and credit card cancellations due to fraud, we will be requiring a void cheque or banking information for new and existing accounts.

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We will be adjusting the schedule regularly to accommodate class sizes. Current restrictions cap classes at 10 members. Once we are nearing limits we will increase days and times that CrossFit classes will be offered and bring back our specialty programs. The current schedule can be viewed online and will be updated weekly.


Expect Some Time to Transition

Not everyone has been active throughout our time in isolation. Even those that have exercised regularly should be prepared to come back to a transition program. When the doors finally open, we will want to come out hot, but expect to be scaling workouts until your body is prepared to do what it was doing three months prior. Our program is at the upper limit of most people's physical tolerances. Let's take our time, enjoy each other's company in the same space and let our physical toughness catch up to the mental toughness we have all endured these past few months.

Until Phase 3 begins, I will be available for outdoor personal training sessions. Whether you are looking to ease yourself back into exercise, need a refresher on movements, are in need of some motivation to get back on track, or would like a push in your workouts, please do not hesitate to contact me. See you all soon!


Jason Trinh and your StrongFit YXE Team

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