WOD Wed Sep 23
Gymnastics Stamina
Every 2:00 x 5 Rounds:
9 Lateral Bar-Hop Burpees
30 Double-Unders / Jumping Jacks
Max Kipping HSPU / DB Push Presses in remaining time (does not need to be unbroken)
5 Min AMRAP:
50 Lunges
400m Run / 600m Echo
Max Calorie Row
5 Min Rest
5 Min AMRAP:
30 Single Dumbbell Alternating Lunges @ 50/35
400m Run / 600m Echo
Max Calorie Row
5 Min Rest
5 Min AMRAP:
20 Double Dumbbell Alternating Lunges @ 50/35
400m Run / 600m Echo
Max Calorie Row
3 Sets:
8 Tempo Barbell Good Mornings (5s Eccentrics)
12 Supinated Grip Ring Rows
16 Scap Y-Raises
Rest as needed