WOD Fri Sep 25
Handstand Progressions
Alternating Every Min x 10 (5 Rounds Each):
45s Row at recovery pace
45s of HS Walk skill work (Plank, Shoulder Taps, Wall Walk, Inverted Shoulder Taps, HS Hold)
Strict Gymnastics
For Time:
8 Unbroken Sets of 30% of Max Strict HSPU or Push-ups (Week 2 of 3)
“Big Drip”
20 Min AMRAP:
200m Run
12/9 Cal Echo Bike
12 CTB Pull-ups / Jumping Pull-ups
8 Single Arm DB Snatches @ 70/50
Snatch Warm-up:
3 Sets:
3 Muscle Snatches
3 Behind The Neck Push Jerks
3-Position Power Snatch (high hang, knees, floor)
Build across sets
Power Snatch Waves:
12 Sets:
1 Rep @ 73-76-79, 76-79-82, 79-82-85, 82-82-82% of 1RM Power Snatch (rest as needed)