CrossFit CL (150)

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WOD Wed Feb 3

Gymnastics Warm-up & Skill Work

Every 90s x 6 Rounds:
Set 1: 10 Chest-To-Bar Pull-ups + 3 Hang Clusters
Set 2: 10 Chest-To-Bar Pull-ups + 3 Hang Clusters
Set 3: 10 Chest-To-Bar Pull-ups + 2 Hang Clusters
Set 4: 10 Chest-To-Bar Pull-ups + 2 Hang Clusters
Set 5: 10 Chest-To-Bar Pull-ups + 1 Hang Clusters
Set 6: 10 Chest-To-Bar Pull-ups + 1 Hang Clusters

Starting with strict pull-ups or ring rows and light weights (10s on the bar) and building across each round in complexity and weights. Use the first rounds as warm-up as we will be pressed for time.


“That Escalated Quickly”

For Time:
3 Rounds:
15 Front Squats
25 Double-Unders

1000/800m Row

3 Rounds:
12 Thrusters
25 Double-Unders

1000/800m Row

3 Rounds:
9 Hang Clusters
25 Double-Unders

25 Minute Cap

Barbell @ 95/65

Home Gym

3 Rounds:
15 Goblet Squats
15 Hops Over Dumbbell/Barbell

4 Minutes Any Machine

3 Rounds:
12 (6L/6R) Single Dumbbell Thrusters / Barbell Thrusters
12 Hops Over Dumbbell/Barbell

4 Minutes Any Machine

3 Rounds:
10 Single Dumbbell Hang Clusters (5L/5R) / Barbell Clusters
10 hops Over Dumbbell/Barbell