WOD Sat Mar 27


Option to work on one of the following on a 15 minute clock:

1) Foam roll legs, hips, upper back, shoulders
2) Work on TTB / Pull-ups / CTB / BMU
3) Work on clean and jerks

For options 2 & 3 you can follow a 10 minute EMOM after a 5 minute warm-up


6 Minute EMOM:
Minute 1: 18/15 Cal Row
Minute 2: 15/12 Cal Row
Minute 3: 12/9 Cal Row
Minute 4: 18/15 Cal Row
Minute 5: 15/12 Cal Row
Minute 6: 12/9 Cal Row

3 Minute Rest

6 Minute EMOM:
Minute 1: 17/14 Cal Bike
Minute 2: 14/11 Cal Bike
Minute 3: 11/8 Cal Bike
Minute 4: 17/14 Cal Bike
Minute 5: 14/11 Cal Bike
Minute 6: 11/8 Cal Bike

Home Gym

1 Round of Barbell/Dumbbell Complex
1 Minute Any Machine / 200m Run
10 Rounds

1 Complex = 2 Deadlift + 2 Hang Power Clean + 2 Push Press

Jason TrinhComment