Fri Aug. 9 "Stomping Ground"
2) 16 Min. AMRAP
1 Min. Row or Bike
30 Sec. Burpee DB Power Clean
30 Sec. Rest
1) On the 3:00 x 3 Sets (building in weight)
3 Back Squats
2) Stomping Grounds
For Time (18 Min. Time Cap)
45 Double Dumbbell Burpee Squat Cleans (50/35)
*Every 2 Minutes (starting at 0:00): 200m Run
1) Focus on quality of the movement. Maintain a proud chest and look up! Start your first set at roughly 65% and build over the 3 sets.
2) The 200m run will take roughly 1 minute, leaving about 1 minute for DDBSC. This movement is different and challenging so choose a weight that allows you move the whole remainder of time, allowing for a ten second transition at the end. You will need to complete a minimum of 5 reps each interval, in order to finish under the time cap. Run can be subbed for 250/225m Row or 12/10 Cal Bike.
Extra Credit
Aerobic Cardio: 6 Sets (RPE 4-5)
2 Min. Bike
30 Sec. Rest
2 Min. Row
30 Sec. Rest