Fri Jan 19 "Is Your Refrigerator Running?"


1) Hang Power Snatch: Build to a technical single

2) 10 Min AMRAP:

4 x 50’ Shuttle Runs (Or 300/250m Bike)
7 Ring Rows


1) Power Snatch: Build to a heavy single

2) “Is Your Refrigerator Running?”

5 Rounds For Time (10 Min Cap):

8 x 50' Shuttle Runs
15 Pull-ups


1) 5-4-3-2-1-1-1…building to a power snatch. Focus on getting low early on and pausing in the catch so that you are more comfortable getting under the bar as it gets heavier

2) Shuttle runs are a sub for a 200m run so they should not take longer than a minute. Reduce the number of laps as needed and choose jumping pull-ups if you are unable to do large sets of pull-ups with bands

Jason TrinhComment