Fri July 26 "Pay It Forward"


2) AMRAP 15 Minutes
6 Wall Balls
6 Alternating KB Clean and Jerks
6 Box Step Ups
30 Sec. Rest.


1) On the 3:00 x 3 Sets (building)
3 Back Squats (5 Second Negative)

2) Pay It Forward

55 Wall Balls (20/14)
55 Double Kettlebell Clean and Jerks (24/16)
55 Box Jump Overs (24/20)


1) These squats are meant to be performed to focus on quality and technique. Maintain a consistent, slow speed to the bottom of the squat, then stand up at a normal speed. Try to avoid getting faster the lower you get in the squat. If this is unavoidable, the weight should be lowered.

2) This workout has a very high volume of reps for each movement so plan out your breaks before starting. Each station should take no longer than 3:30 to complete. Both the wall balls and KB weight should be chosen to be able to do 10+ reps in a set before a break. Aim to get through to the second round of these movements.

Extra Credit
On the 3:00 x 6:
500/450m Row
5 Touch and Go Power Cleans (building to Heavy)

Jason TrinhComment