Fri Mar 29 "Rebar" - STAT Holiday Hours


1) Front Squats: Build to technical set of 5

2) 15-12-9:
Dumbbell Front Squats
Echo Bike Calories
Dumbbell Hang Power Cleans
Echo Bike Calories


1) Front Squats: 5-5-5-3
@ 73-73-73-83%

2) “Rebar”

21-15-9 (15 Min Cap):
Front Squats @ 135/95
Echo Bike Calories
Power Cleans @ 135/95
Echo Bike Calories


1) Each of these sets should be sub-maximal (ie not a 5 or 3 rep max). Focus on upright posture, balance in the feet, and depth

2) Select a weight that allows for you to complete the rounds in 1-2 sets max for front squats. The power cleans can be in singles. Bike pace should be at a high intensity but without affecting the squats and cleans too much

Jason TrinhComment