Fri Oct. 4 "Wasting Away"


1) Hang Power Clean: 5 x 3 @ technical load)

2) 18 Min. Time Cap

5 Rounds
5 Hang Power Cleans
20 Skips
10 Cal Bike


1) Hang Power Clean: Build to Heavy Set of 3

2) Wasting Away

For Time (18 Minute Time Cap)
10-8-6-4-2 Hang Power Cleans (155/105)
100-80-60-40-20 Double Unders
25/20-20/16-15/12-10/8-5/4 Cal Bike


1) This is a chance to build heavy for 3 reps of your hang power clean. You will be completing these unbroken. Remember to practice getting under that bar into a deeper catch. For this to be a POWER clean, you must catch above parallel. Try catching just above this as the weight progresses.

2) This is a hard effort workout challenging your ability to keep your heartrate under control. Hang power cleans should be light enough to cycle through all the reps unbroken. Maintain doable sets on the double unders. If this means doing sets of 20 will keep you moving without hitting failure, start off with this. Bike will also be decreasing each round and give your grip aa break for a bit, so don’t hang on tight to the bike. Don’t worry, you won’t fall off … I hope.

Extra Credit

3 Sets:
10 Weighted Sit Ups (Moderate)
20 Sit Ups (unweighted)
30 Hip Extensions (Unweighted)
*Rest 2-3 Min.

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