Wed July 17 "Necessary Evil"


1) Perform 5 sets of 3 Hang Power Cleans at technical weight

2) 15 Min. AMRAP
10 Box Step Ups Alternating
4 Single Dumbbell Devils Press (2/side)
30 Sec. Rest


1) Hang Power Clean: 5 x 5 Building in Weight

2) Necessary Evil
For Time (15 Min. Time Cap)
80 Box Jump Overs (30”/24”)
On the Minute starting at 0:00: 3 Devils Press (50/35)


1) The sets of 5 should be done unbroken. Build over the sets as long as you can keep good form. Practice getting a bit lower in your squat under the power.

2) You must be able to do at least 6 box jump overs each minute to start in order to complete this workout in the time cap. You must step down off the box for each rep. The devils press will take less than 30 seconds, leaving roughly 30 seconds to complete as many jump overs as you can.

Extra Credit

4 Sets For Quality
12 Romanian Deadlifts
6 Single Leg Box Hamstring Curls (each side)

*Rest 2 min. between sets

Jason TrinhComment