Mon Apr 4 "Burnin' Rubber"

Workout of the day

1) Power Cleans
Build to heavy set of 3 then do 1x3 @ 90%, 1x3 @ 80% of final weight.

12 Dumbbell Hang Power Cleans
1500m Echo Bike
9 Dumbbell Hang Power Cleans
1200m Echo Bike
6 Dumbbell Hang Power Cleans
900m Echo BIke

2) “Burnin’ Rubber”
For Time:
15 Hang Power Cleans @ 185/135
1500m Echo Bike
12 Hang Power Cleans
1200m Echo Bike
9 Hang Power Cleans
900m Echo Bike


1) Hang onto the bar for a set of 3 touch-and-go power cleans. Continue building to a heavy weight then do two back-off sets at 80 and 90%.

2) Max 70% of 1RM for power clean weights, looking to complete the workout in under 12 minutes. be consistent on cleans pace (drop-singles right away) and build in bike intensity.

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