Mon Jan 15 "MLK"
1) Back Squats: Build to a technical heavy single
2) 1968m Bike
19 Burpees
63 Empty Bar Thrusters
1) Back Squats: Build to a heavy single
2) “MLK”
For Time (10 Min Cap):
1968m Bike
19 Burpee Pull-ups
63 Thrusters @ 75/55
1) 5-5-4-4-3-3-2-2-1-1-1…to a heavy single for the day. You can reduce the number of sets as needed if you find you get too tired by the time you get to your heavy single
2) Meant to be quick, select a shorter pull-up bar or use a box, use a lighter weight or an empty barbell/dumbbells for thrusters