Mon Jan 29 "Empty Nester"
1) Kipping/Hanging Warm-up
2) Hang Power Snatch / Hang Power Clean Technique Work
3) 10 Min AMRAP:
250/200m Row
10 Air Squats
5 Knee-Raises (Or Abmat Sit-ups)
1) Kipping/Hanging Warm-up
2) Power Snatch EMOM:
Build to heavy single in 15 Mins
3) “Empty Nester”
For Time (10 Min Cap):
1000/900m Row
50 Overhead Squats @ 65/45
30 Toes-To-Bar
1) Practice arch/hollow positions or work on grip strength/how to grip the bar. Also an opportunity to work on false-grip
2) Start at 40% and take small increases in order to maintain technique. Focus on receiving the bar with a strong lockout, in a partial squat (close to parallel if possible)
3) Row will take ~ 4 mins, squats in 2-3 mins, TTB in 2 mins. Reduce weight on OHS or do front squats in order to complete the workout under 10 mins
3 Sets For Quality:
20 GHD Sit-ups
25’ Handstand Walk / Wall-facing HS Hold for max time