Mon Jul 25 "Fortime Fortitude"

Workout of the day

1) Strict Pull-ups: Every 2:30 x 4 Unbroken Sets


15 Rounds:
1 Minute Calorie Row (maintainable pace)
1 Minute Burpees
*pick a number that you can maintain to finish under 30 minutes

2) “Fortime Forititude”

15 Rounds For Time:
15/12 Calorie Row
12 Burpees


1) Band up or select a scaling where you can perform multiple reps of strict pull-ups to failure. Rest the remainder of 2.5 minutes and try again, expecting fewer reps each time

2) Working at an uncomfortable pace for both movements, see where your threshold of discomfort is and hang out there. Expect to be capped if either of these movements takes more than 1 minute to complete (30 minute cap)

Jason TrinhComment