Mon July 15 "Sand Wedge"


1) Bench Press in the following rep scheme: 10-10-5-5-5

2) 18 Min. Time Cap
Buy-In: 30 Cal Bike
Then 12-10-8-6-4-2 of …
Alternating DB Power Snatches
Knee Raises
*30 Sec. Rest b/n each round
Buy-Out: 30 Cal Bike


1) Bench Press: Heavy Set of 20

2) Sand Wedge
For Time (18 Min. Time Cap)
Buy-In: 55/45 Cal Bike
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 of …
Power Snatch (115/75)
Toes to Bar
Buy-Out: 55/45 Cal Bike


1) This weight will be roughly 50-55% of your 1 RM Bench. Ensure you are touching the bar to your chest at the bottom and locking out the arms at the top. Grab a spotter since this is a harder movement to bail if you reach failure.

2) The buy-in bike pace will determine how well you complete the middle portion of this weekend so come out slow and steady, aiming to get through the bike in about 4 minutes or less. The power snatches and toes to bar should be at a weight that you could do unbroken if fresh, and maintain unbroken in the smaller rounds near the end.

Extra Credit

For Time: 300’ Handstand Walk
Then into 10 Sets of 30’ Handstand Walk (rest 30 sec. b/n sets)

Jason TrinhComment