Mon June 24 "Split Second"


1) Strict Press: Build over the rep scheme 10-10-5-5-5

2) 15 Min. AMRAP
12/10 Calorie Bike
5 DB Clean and Jerks Left
5 DB Clean and Jerks Right


1) Build to heavy set of 20 Strict Press

2) Split Second

4 Rounds for Time (15 Min. Time Cap)
25/20 Calorie Bike
10 Hang Clean and Jerks (115/85)


1) This is an endurance set so get in lots of shoulder prep before attempting this big set. Build over the following rep scheme 10-10-5-20.

2) The goal of this workout is to remain unbroken on the Hang C & J so scale weight accordingly and aim to recover on the bike. Bike can be subbed with 500/450m Row or 400m Air Run

Extra Credit

3 Sets:
10 Single Arm Dumbbell Upright Row (each side)
10 Kneeling Pallof Press (each side)
Directly into 20 Prone Snow Angels

Jason TrinhComment