Mon Mar 25 "Medulla Oblongata"


1) 5 Strict Press: Build to technical load

2) 15 Minute AMRAP:

30 Single Skips (or 30s DU Practice)
10 Kettlebell Deadlifts (or Russian Kettlebell Swings)
10 Cal Echo Bike


1) Strict Press: Max Reps @ 85%

2) “Medulla Oblongata”

Every 90s x 10 Rounds:
30 Double-Unders
10 Kettlebell Swings @ 32/24
Max Echo Bike Calories


1) Build to 85% in sets of 3 reps and then do one max set (4+ reps)

2) Double-unders should be 30s or less, KBS 30s or less, don’t go too hard on the bike or you won’t be able to sustain the effort. Goal should be consistent calories for all 10 rounds, note that there is no rest here so try to keep your heart rate down.

Jason TrinhComment