Mon May 15 "Ante-up”


1) Build to a technical set of 3 back squats

2) 15 Minute AMRAP:

6 Abmat Sit-ups
30 Single-Skips (or 30s DU Practice)
Ascending Reps of Air Squats (or Goblet Squats)

Workout of the day

1) Back Squats: Build to a heavy triple for the day

2) “Ante-up”

15 Minute AMRAP:
6 Toes-To-Bar
30 Double-Unders
1-2-3… Dumbbell Squats @ 50/35


1) Build to a heavy set of 3 back squ1) ats, resting 2-3 minutes between heavy sets. PRs may be possible if you’re feeling good

2) Looking to complete large sets of these movements or unbroken where you can. Select a weight of dumbbells that allows for this and limit time on TTB and DUs to 30s each (roughly)

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