Mon Oct. 28, "16 Candles"


1) 4 x 10 at technical load

2) AMRAP 16
6 Burpee Jumping Pull Up
30 Single Skips
10 Cal Bike
Rest 30 Seconds


1) Bench Press: Heavy set of 10

2) 16 Candles

12 Burpee Pull Ups
60 Double Unders
25/20 Cal Bike


1) This is another max set of ten. Have a spotter ready to go for your big set. Warm up using the following rep scheme: 10-8-6-4-2-10. This weight will be roughly 60-70% of your 1 RM.

2) This is a bodyweight movement workout to start off the week! Burpee Pull Up should be completed in 1:30, with the goal of a steady pace. Using bands is not the best option today as they will be too time consuming. Instead, scale to a lower bar and do jumping pull ups. Double unders should be kept to one minute of practice. Bike will take roughly 2:00 or less. Aim to get through 3-5 rounds in the 16 minutes.

Extra Credit

Bar Muscle Up Practice: 3 Sets for max unbroken BMU

Jason TrinhComment