Mon Sept. 23 "Over When It's Over"
2) 18 Min. AMRAP
3 Pull Ups
6 Power Cleans
9 Wallballs
30 Sec. Rest
1) Bench Press: 5 x 3 (5 Second Negative)
2) Over When It’s Over”
For Time (18 Min. Time Cap)
30/20 Ring Muscle-Ups
60 Power Cleans (135/95)
120 Wall Balls (20/14)
*Partition However Floats Your Boat
1) The aim of these sets is to start slightly heavier than 08/12/24. Focus on maintaining a full five seconds down to the chest. If this becomes unattainable, you have gone too heavy in weight.
2) Break up this workout in a way that keeps you moving through the whole piece. Choose a difficult gymnastic movement that you would like to work on for the RMU (butterfly, Chest to Bar, Kipping). The power clean weight should be something that you could perform at least 5 reps touch and go fresh. Will you do touch and go though? Most likely not as you will move more efficiently if you do drop singles. The Wallballs will fatigue the shoulders so break it up into smaller sets even though your legs feel good.
Extra Credit
8 x 6 Strict Dips
100 Banded Bicep Curls